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1994.09-2000.03  管理学博士,信息管理,台湾交通大学

1986.09-1988.06  管理学硕士,工业管理,台湾成功大学

1982.09-1986.06  工学士,工业工程,台湾东海大学




1. Shih, H.-P.* and Liu, W. Beyond the trade-offs on Facebook: the underlying mechanisms of privacy choices. Information Systems and e-Business Management (SSCI), 21(2), 2023, 353-387.


2. Shih, H.-P.*, Lai, K.-h., Cheng, T. C. E. Complied by belief consistency: The cognitive-information lens of user-generated persuasion. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research (SSCI), 18(1), 2023, 372-393. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/jtaer18010020.

3. Shih, H.-P.*, Lai, K.-h., Guo, X., Cheng, T. C. E. Believe it or not: Employees intend to comply with information security policy because of the desire for trade-offs. Journal of Global Information Management (SSCI), 29(6), 2021, 1-20. http://dx.doi.org/10.4018/JGIM.294329.

4. Liu, W. and Shih, H.-P.* How do search-based and experience-based information matter in the evaluation of user satisfaction? The case of TripAdvisor. Aslib Journal of Information Management (SSCI), 73(5), 2021, 659-678. https://doi.org/10.1108/AJIM-03-2021-0093.

5. Shih, H.-P.* and Sung, P.-C. Addressing the review-based learning and private information approaches to foster platform continuance. Information Systems Frontiers (SCI), 23(3), 2021, 649-661.


6. Shih, H.-P*., Lai, K.-h., and Cheng, T.C.E. Constraint-based and dedication-based mechanisms for encouraging online self-disclosure: Is personalization the only thing that matters? European Journal of Information Systems (SCI/SSCI), 26(4), 2017, 432-450. http://dx.doi.org/10.1057/s41303-016-0031-0.  

7. Shih, H.-P.* and Huang, E. Influence mechanisms that leverage participation quality in a professional virtual community: The social-relationship perspective. Journal of Global Information Management (SCI/SSCI), 23(4), 2015, 77-100.


8. Shih, H.-P*., Lai, K.-h., and Cheng, T.C.E. Examining structural, perceptual, and attitudinal influences on the quality of information sharing in collaborative technology use. Information Systems Frontiers (SCI), 17(2), 2015, 455-470.


9. Shih, H.-P.* and Huang, E. Influences of Web interactivity and social identity and bonds on the quality of online discussion in a virtual community. Information Systems Frontiers (SCI), 16(4), 2014, 627-641.


10. Shih, H.-P.*, Lai, K.-h., and Cheng, T.C.E. Informational and relational influences on electronic word-of-mouth: An empirical study of an online consumer discussion forum. International Journal of Electronic Commerce (SCI/SSCI), 17(4), 2013, 137-166.https://doi.org/10.2753/JEC1086-4415170405.

11. Shih, H.-P. Cognitive lock-in effects on consumer purchase intentions in the context of B2C web sites. Psychology & Marketing (SSCI), 29(10), 2012, 738-751.https://doi.org/10.1002/mar.20560.

12. Shih, H.-P.* and Jin, B.-H. Driving goal-directed and experiential online shopping. Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce (SCI), 21(2), 2011, 136-157.https://doi.org/10.1080/10919392.2011.564487.

13. Al-Gahtani, S.S. and Shih, H.-P.* The influence of organizational communication openness on the post-adoption of computers: An empirical study in Saudi Arabia. Journal of Global Information Management (SCI/SSCI), 17(3), 2009, 20-41.http://dx.doi.org/10.4018/jgim.2009070102.

14. Shih, H.-P. Continued use of a Chinese online portal: An empirical study. Behaviour & Information Technology (SCI/SSCI), 27(3), 2008, 201-209.https://doi.org/10.1080/01449290600802403.

15. Shih, H.-P. Using a cognition-motivation-control view to assess the adoption intention for Web-based learning. Computers & Education (SCI/SSCI), 50(1), 2008, 327-337.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compedu.2006.06.001.

16. Shih, H.-P. Assessing the effects of self-efficacy and competence on individual satisfaction with computer use: An IT student perspective. Computers in Human Behavior (SSCI), 22(6), 2006, 1012-1026.


17. Shih, H.-P. Technology-push and communication-pull forces driving message-based coordination performance. Journal of Strategic Information Systems (SCIE), 15(2), 2006, 105-123.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsis.2005.08.004.

18. Shih, H.-P. Extended technology acceptance model of Internet utilization behavior. Information & Management (SCI/SSCI), 41(6), 2004, 719-729.http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.im.2003.08.009.

19. Shih, H.-P. An empirical study on predicting user acceptance of e-shopping on the Web. Information & Management (SCI/SSCI), 41(3), 2004, 351-368.http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0378-7206(03)00079-X.

2021年 福建省社科一般项目立项FJ2021B166


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